Download our custom shopping list

As we continue to attempt to “flatten the curve,” leaving the house to get groceries is an essential trip many New Yorkers still have to make on a regular basis. With that in mind, a simple and effective way to maximize your trips to the grocery store and be a safer shopper is to use a list.
Having a list will ensure you’re as organized as possible and will help cut down on extra trips out for groceries. It also prevents you from spending extra time inside the store trying to figure out (or remember) what to buy. That’s why we’ve created a blank grocery shopping list to help make your trips to the store quicker, more efficient, and less stressful. This PDF document can be filled out by hand or digitally, and it’s also printable so you can even take a paper copy with you to the store.
Just enter your email here and you’ll get immediate access to our free downloadable shopping list.
If you’re already subscribed to our emails, don’t worry—we’ve sent you this resource to you directly, so go check your inbox, including your junk and spam folders.
Please note that if you’re using your smartphone to fill out this list, you may need a free app to be able to properly use fillable PDF documents, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader for iOS or Adobe Fill & Sign for Android.